Zion Bishan Bulletin 29 Mar 2020 Livestream

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Order of Service

29 March 2020
10.30 am Live Streaming 

Call to Worship

Meditative Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy

Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:14-22 NIV

Message: Frog in the Kettle

Responsive Meditation: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

Corporate Life & Prayer





We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us! If you are new to Zion Bishan, do drop us a note on our contact form and our hospitality team will get in touch with you in the coming week. Please use the same contact form if you want to find out more about our faith, or about our activities and programmes.

Our Sunday services at a glance

Serving You Today

Speaker: Rev Beh Soo Yeong (The Bible Church)
Worship Leader: Ps Dev Menon
Music Team B: Kwek Khee Leng, Lee Ping Lin & Jeremy Sim
PA Team: Soh Kok Hong, Goh Han Teck, Matthaeus Lim & Steven Tan

Looking Ahead

Friday, 3 April
No Friday Prayer Meeting

Sunday, 5 April Palm Sunday
Morning Service Live-Streaming
“Donkey King” by Mr Quek Tze-Ming

No Evening Service

Pastors (more info)
Rev Dr Alby Yip, Senior Pastor sabbatical
Rev Dr Dev Menon, Pastor9829 6051
Rev Zheng Haoren, Pastor (Comm Dev’t)6353 8081
Rev Ebinezar Mohan, Pastor (Tamil)8198 9696
Rev Kew See Seong, Pastor (Mandarin) 9489 4967
Rev Lim Jit Thye, Pastor (Cantonese-Mandarin)9182 6957
Rev Daniel Nge, Pastor (Mandarin-English)8428 0525
Rev Dr David Wong, Advisory Pastor
Rev Dr Quek Swee Hwa, Pastor Emeritus
Ministry Staff (more info)
Dn Paul Yeo, Hokkien Ministry9751 1897
Mrs Emily Quek, Special Projects9001 2926
Mrs June Tan, Children’s Ministry8388 1883
Mrs Ruth Quek, Children/Y. Adults9728 7145
Mr Vernon Quek, Y. Adults/Evang.9796 0196
Mr Linus Koe, Family/Media 9728 9343
Mrs Sharon Quek, Trg/Mobilisation9788 0195
Mr Quek Tze-Ming, Assoc Min Staff 9060 8340

Sermon Notes

Speaker: Rev Beh Soo Yeong

Frog in the Kettle
Revelation 3:14-22


1.              Reality check (vv.15-17)

The illusion

The reality

2.              Repent (vv.18-19)

But why buy from Jesus?

  • Because he is faithful and true (v.14)
  • Because he loves us (v.19, cf. Heb 12)

3.              Reward (vv.20-21)

Conclusion & Response:

  1. What is God saying to you today?
  2. Are there areas in your life that you have compromised?

In this season of Lent, what are the areas where you are led by Christ to repent from?

Prayer Points

Our Church

Government restrictions — As we adjust to this new normal, let us remember God’s sovereignty as the church does its part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Pray we will keep our unity in the Spirit. May the glory of God be seen through the church.

Our People

Nicholas Tang — He has been diagnosed with shingles and is experiencing excruciating pain. Pray for a quick recovery and that no complications will arise. Also pray for his parents, Christopher and Gek Choo, that they will not fall ill too.   

Easter gift initiative (Hand Sanitizer with Bible verse) — Thank God for 22 persons (15 from Zion Bishan) who pledged to buy and give out about 700 hand sanitizers as Easter gifts to those who are vulnerable within their own social networks. The message each gift hopes to bring is one of love and trust in God who frees us from our fears (Psalm 34:4).

Pray that each gift will provide an opportunity to express God’s love and kindness for those in our midst who may be fearful about COVID-19. Pray for each recipient to discover that God can truly be their ultimate comfort and peace in these times.    

Our World

India — India has imposed a nationwide lockdown for 21 days since 25 March 2020 in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The implications are being felt both economically and socially as this is a nation where community is everything.

Pray for believers to stand firm in their faith during this period where no gatherings are permitted, especially for those living in remote areas and may not have phones through which they can be contacted and encouraged.

Uphold our mission partners that God will strengthen them emotionally and spiritually during this challenging time, many of them are isolated in different mission fields.

Mission Agencies — Many mission agencies coordinate ministry regionally and even globally. Many events, and work or short-term trips, have been cancelled due to COVID-19. Funding may also be affected by the economic downturn. Agency leaders need wisdom in contingency planning, as many missionaries are serving where advanced medical care may not be easily available. At the same time, more people may be seeking answers in these troubled times. Pray for missionaries to seek and follow God's leading as opportunities are lost or created.

Church Family News
  1. Lee Keow, Jit Chin, Yi Ling and Pei Ling would like to thank the pastors, leaders, brothers and sisters of Zion Bishan for their prayers, encouragement and visits during their recent bereavement.
  2. Pastor Alby is on sabbatical leave till end April.
Last Week
Word in Season

Coronavirus Pandemic: A Personal Perspective

Written by Ps David Wong

In 2003 when SARS hit Singapore, we were living in Hawaii, serving with Haggai Institute, a leadership training organisation. Friends told us not to come to Singapore which over three months saw 238 people infected and 33 deaths. That year we visited Singapore seven times including during the SARS period. I did so as I was also overseeing the training programme in Singapore.

Was I foolhardy and courting danger? Perhaps. But I remember someone once said, “We are immortal till God calls us home.” I remember also the words of the apostle Paul when he insisted on going to Jerusalem though he knew dangers faced him there, adding, “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24 ESV

His concern was not that he might die but that he might finish his course and finish it well. In that light, Jenny and I did something that SARS year that we had talked about and said we must do but never got down to do it. We saw a lawyer and wrote our will. Why? Because SARS could get us and within a few days we could be gone.

Like Paul, we put our lives completely in God’s hands, but prepared ourselves for any eventuality. Of course, we also took all necessary precautions to safeguard ourselves from SARS. The current COVID-19 is turning out to be more devastating on account on how fast and far it is spreading. The death toll of more than 13,400 has far exceeded SARS of 774.

Am I anxious? I have every reason to be. We have a son-in-law, a medical doctor, living in Seattle, a city first to be infected by the virus. He was seeing patients without protective gear as supplies then were inadequate. Our daughter there has an underlying chronic health condition. They have three young children. Jenny and I at our age belong to the vulnerable group. We have another son-in-law recently returned from work overseas. I once preached on the word “crisis” and said it calls on us to “cry” to the Lord and “seize” the opportunity to learn what He is teaching us. May the present unprecedented crisis drive us to God and help us deepen our faith, extend our love and cherish our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.


We Want to Pray for You
Suspect or quarantined for COVID-19?

If you need prayer during these difficult times, do contact us:
Ps Dev Menon
Eld George Khoo
Dns Shirlynn Ho
Confidentiality will be respected.

Children’s Ministry Digital Resources
For AGs and Families!

Need to conduct some Faith at Home or your AG needs Children Discipleship materials?
Sign up at http://www.zionbishan.org.sg/cm-rsc
Resources available:
Toddlers (<3 year old)
Nursery-K2 (3 to 6 year old)
Primary 1-3(7 to 9 year old)
Materials will be sent out via email. These materials will follow the CD curriculum for this year.

Guide to Communal Worship in AGs via Livestream

Download this useful resource here: http://www.zionbishan.org.sg/ag-guide
Do observe by all social distancing measures strictly when you meet.

Interested to know who Jesus is?

If you’re joining us for the first time, and wondering about what Christians believe, drop us an email and we’ll be more than happy to share what the good news of Jesus Christ!

Church WhatsApp Broadcast

To receive the church bulletin and announcements via WhatsApp, please follow both steps below:

  1. Save 9422 5703 to your contacts
  2. Send a WhatsApp message with your full name and contact number (e.g. Freddie Mao 98765432)

PDPA Notice: By providing your name and contact to this number, you agree that Zion Bishan BP Church may collect, use and disclose your personal data for the purpose of disseminating the church bulletin and announcements to you, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and our data protection policy.

COVID-19 Survey

We want to help one another as a church community, but we need to know how best to help and where the needs and resources are.
Please take a moment to fill in this survey by Sunday 29 March.
All responses are treated in confidence.

Response Form
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.

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