Zion Bishan Bulletin 17 May 2020 Livestream
17 May 2020

17 May 2020
10.30 am Livestream
Call to Worship
Meditative Hymn: Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 25:1-19 ESV
Message: "She is No Fool”
Response Hymn: Christ be in My Waking
Corporate Life & Prayer
We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us! If you are new to Zion Bishan, do drop us a note on our contact form and our hospitality team will get in touch with you in the coming week. Please use the same contact form if you want to find out more about our faith, or about our activities and programmes.
Our Sunday services at a glance
Speaker: Pastor Zheng Haoren
Worship Leader & AV: Pastor Alby Yip
Songs for personal worship and reflection:
Looking Ahead
Friday, 22 May
8 pm Zoom Prayer Meeting (Registration required):
Sunday, 24 May (Ascension Sunday)
10.30 am English Livestreaming Service
"Ascension: Jesus Absent, Spirit Present"
Speaker: Pastor David Wong
Speaker: Pastor Zheng Haoren
She is No Fool
1 Samuel 25:1-19
Two Fools & The Wise
Blessed is the Peacemaker
A Father’s Joy (Meaning of ‘Abigail’)
Reflection Questions
- Reflect upon the different chapters of your life. Could you share some instances of serious foolishness and how God walked you through?
- Could you recall an occasion when you marvelled at someone’s godly wisdom in handling a matter, especially a serious or potentially serious crisis? Could you articulate the possible consequences if this person had not stood in the gap?
- Consider your personal, family, school/career/retirement, and spiritual life prior to the COVID-19 season. Is this Circuit Breaker just a Pause for you to rest, take a break, and get back to business as before? Or is this an opportunity to Reset priorities, pace, expectations, routines, etc.
Do discuss.
Our Church
ZB COVID-19 Ministry Initiatives — Continue to pray for the ongoing work with the 5 rough sleepers placed in our care through the S3P and the food-aid meal deliveries which have seen an increase from 100 to 140 deliveries this week. Pray for the safety and strength of our volunteers and coordinators to carry on this work of sharing Christ’s love with our community.
OMP Prayer Meeting (13 May) – Many signed up and joined the bi-weekly prayer meeting. Thank God for an opportunity to hear more about the ministry work going on in Indonesia and West Asia and to pray for them.
Livestream and Pulpit Ministry – Pray for our pastors and livestreaming team as they handle the task of operating the AV system and leading our congregation in worship. Only 2 people are currently allowed in the sanctuary. Let us pray that by the end of the Circuit Breaker a larger team will be allowed on site to support the important work of gospel proclamation from our pulpit as we wait patiently for when we are able to gather again as a church.
Our People
Basic AG Leaders Equipping Course – BAGLE is a 6-week course for our AG Leaders to journey together, think intentionally about building Christ-centred AGs, and how to disciple our members. Please pray for an edifying and fruitful time for the first batch of 6 AG leaders and Dn Danny as he leads.
#zbfamilychallenge – Thank God for the Spirit working among us as we keep in touch and engage with one another during this Circuit Breaker. Pray that these challenges will grow relationships even when we are physically apart.
Adult Discipleship – Thank God for the upcoming ADC by Ps David Wong and for BGST’s videos on Ruth (p. 7). Pray that this will edify many in such a time.
Our World
West Nepal – Our ministry partner is an NGO working with vulnerable children. Pray for sufficient food supplies for 4 of their 6 centres in West Nepal. The lockdown for the past 7 weeks has made obtaining food supplies difficult. Two centres have farming, so they are coping better. Pray also for protection from the virus as COVID-19 cases are starting to appear in their areas.
West Bengal, India – Pray for our ministry partner, also an NGO, who serve vulnerable children and families in slum areas. They have been supplying one simple lunch each day to the very poor near their various centres for the past 6 weeks. Do pray for the perseverance and motivation of staff and volunteers involved in this relief work. Pray for their safety so the relief effort will continue unhindered.
- Mr Vernon Quek is preaching for Holy Grace Presbyterian Church this morning.
Written by Ps Dev Menon
Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
The command to encourage each other is found almost exclusively in Paul’s letters to the Christians at Thessalonica. That’s not surprising. The Thessalonians, as we heard over the last few months, were going through extremely difficult times, facing immense long-term persecution from all sides.
The word encouragement can also be translated as ‘comfort’. Give consolation to one another. And so we learn that when things are hard, the thing that we as Christians truly need is this encouragement or comfort – it should be the emphasis or dominant activity of the church in any season of trial.
And that’s what many of us are trying to do right? The Pastors, Elders, AG leaders and lots of individual church members are making the effort to contact every brother and sister in Zion Bishan as far as possible – to see how everyone is doing: to ensure that basic needs such as groceries and finances are being taken care of; to talk to those who are struggling and suffering – to empathise and give a listening ear. Many are increasing their frequency of online meet-ups, not just for regular AG Bible studies, but to chat and pray after each Sunday service, some even eat meals together over Zoom (especially with those who are living on their own). Many are sharing encouraging messages via social media (have you heard of #tambahminyaktuesday?) or ordering food-treats to surprise friends at their doors. Whatever little we can do to bring some sunshine or cheer to all of us who are downcast and dreary – let’s do it!
However, the word encourage can also be translated as ‘exhort’. This encouragement is not just an exercise in cheering people up, but an intentional action to keep people persevering in the Lord, focusing on God and doing the work of the kingdom. The comfort that we give must be centred in the sure and certain coming of Christ (which was repeated in every chapter).
Jesus is coming again! So: (1) don’t despair, your suffering will surely end; (2) work hard, don’t be idle; don’t give in to the darkness (3) judgment is coming – vengeance upon the wicked and vindication for the saints.
While every act to brighten someone’s day is a great idea, we as the church, must also ensure that our encouraging words and deeds are gospel focused – to keep one another fixated on that glorious Day of the Lord, when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to renew the earth, restore His church and judge the living and the dead.
Until then my brothers and sisters – let us #tambahminyak, press on in the Lord! (PS: If you want to hear how some members are handling the crisis, check out: www.zionbishan.org.sg/tambahminyak)
Notice of Postponement of Annual Congregational Meeting
The Session has sent out the notice of postponement for the annual ACM to all members on 15 May. If any member has any queries or clarifications, please email office@zionbishan.org.sg by 30 May.
Be a Pen-pal to a Migrant Worker
Missions at our Doorstep
WePals is an initiative to connect and befriend migrant workers through the exchanges of letters. They seek to help migrant workers and Singaporeans psychologically and emotionally during this crisis, and to provide a bridge for both communities to connect.
Consider becoming a volunteer! More information can be found at:
Under the Wings of God: Lessons from Ruth for Troubled Times
6 Free BGST Videos
Looking for materials for AG or personal bible study? BGST has produced specially for this season a video study on the book of Ruth: How it was then, and how we can apply the lessons to our local context in our times.
Four video sermons of the 4 chapters plus a response each by another faculty member; this is followed by 2 talks on Theodicy and Missiology in Ruth. An accompanying e-guide with discussion questions will also be provided.
That's 11 gems in this “Treasure Chest" and it’s FREE.
Package expected to be delivered electronically by 18 May.
Sign up now using the link https://bit.ly/underthewingsofGod
Quarantine and Lockdown: What on Earth is God Doing?
ADC by Ps David Wong
8.00pm – 9.15pm, Thursdays
Quarantine. Stay Home. Lockdown. Familiar words today. But they are not new. We have seen them in the Bible. Genesis had a family lockdown for 40 days. Exodus had stay-home orders with threat of death otherwise. Even the Gospels tell us of Jesus’ disciples behind locked doors. What can we learn about what God is doing, then and now?
This ADC has 3 sessions, held on Thursdays 21 May 28 May & 4 June.
Zoom invite will be provided via email
Sign up here: www.zionbishan.org.sg/adc-QnL
Zion Bishan Family Challenge!
Through the month of May, the Family and Children’s Ministries will be sending out fun challenges for EVERYONE to participate in!
Young and old, send us your photos or tag Zion Bishan on Facebook with your challenge attempts! Stay up-to-date for the upcoming challenges by liking and following our Facebook page today!