Prayer Points 7 June 2020

Our Church

Post-circuit breaker – The government has released a fresh set of directives for post-circuit breaker church gatherings. We are still not allowed to gather and will have to continue with live-streamed services at 10.30 am every Sunday. It is anticipated that this will last for a few more months. Let us pray for God’s sustenance, especially for those who are facing life’s challenges, that we may all hold fast to God and trust that “He has made everything beautiful in its time,” (Ecc 3:11) including these times. Indeed, let us take these limitations as the crucible of faith and to allow God to do His good work in us.

Activities during phase 1 – Pray for the following activities that are being carried out on church premises:  

ZBK – Thank God for the resumption of the kindergarten. Pray for the staff and teachers as they manage students and parents with the necessary safety protocols in place.

S3P – Our guest stayers will be with us until the end of July. Pray for our volunteers who continue to check-in with them. Cordons have been set up to mitigate interaction between stayers and other users of the church. May such measures be seen as acts of love towards safety and neighbourliness.

Admin staff – Some of our admin staff will begin returning to work in the church office on a rotational basis. Pray for their safety as they travel and for their important work in supporting the ministries of our church.  

Livestreaming – Thank God for the provision of a team of 5 to be on site for Sunday services. Pray for both English and Chinese service livestreams to carry on smoothly.

Our People

Henry Soh – Thank God for his smooth transition into Dover Park Hospice.

Our World

Indonesia – We prayed last week for healing and recovery from Covid-19 infection for Pak Heru, our ministry contact in East Java. Thank God his condition has stabilized after experiencing a very critical stage.   

India – Pray for God’s wisdom to guide and sustain our ministry partner in the relief work that is ongoing in Kolkata, following the devastation caused by Cyclone Amphan. Pray too for the local authorities as they deal with damaged electricity supply, destroyed toilets, and the flooded sewerage system in the city.

Unrest in USA – Since the death of George Floyd on 25 May, who died while being restrained by a police officer in Minneapolis, violent protests have sparked off across the country. Pray for peace to return to the many affected cities. Pray for the hearts of people to be turned towards Jesus, the Prince of peace and for justice to prevail.

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