Zion Bishan Bulletin 6 September 2020 English Services
6 September 2020

6 September 2020
English Services & 10.30 am Livestream
Call to Worship
Meditative Hymn: Glorious Things of You are Spoken
Scripture Reading: Joshua 5:13-16:16 ESV
Message: Taking Jericho
Response Hymn: O Church, Arise
Corporate Life & Prayer
Note: Holy Communion will be served at all in-person services
We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us! If you are new to Zion Bishan, do drop us a note on our contact form and our hospitality team will get in touch with you in the coming week. Please use the same contact form if you want to find out more about our faith, or about our activities and programmes.
Our Sunday services at a glance
Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming & Pastor Zheng Haoren
Worship Leader: Elder Michael & Elder Reginald
AV: Goh Han Teck, Nicklaus Yu, Maybelline Tan, Matthaeus Lim
Pianist: Penuel Lau
English Services: Light & Joy Cluster
Pastor: Alby Yip
Elders: Elder Reginald & Elder Michael
Deacons: Dn Kin Yip, Dn Justin, Dn Jerry
Staff: Emily, Jacqueline
Songs for personal worship and reflection:
Pastors (more info) | |
E-mail: user ID followed by @zionbishan.org.sg | |
Rev Dr Alby Yip, Senior Pastor | alby |
Rev Dr Dev Menon, Pastor | dev |
Rev Zheng Haoren, Pastor (Comm Dev’t) | haoren |
Rev Ebinezar Mohan, Pastor (Tamil) | ebi |
Rev Kew See Seong, Pastor (Mandarin) | sskew |
Rev Lim Jit Thye, Pastor (Cantonese-Mandarin) | jtlim |
Rev Daniel Nge, Pastor (Mandarin-English) | daniel |
Rev Dr David Wong, Advisory Pastor | |
Rev Dr Quek Swee Hwa, Pastor Emeritus | |
Ministry Staff (more info) | |
Dn Paul Yeo, Hokkien Ministry | paul |
Mrs Emily Quek, Special Projects | emily |
Mrs June Tan, Children’s Ministry | june |
Mrs Ruth Quek, Children/Y. Adults | ruth |
Mr Vernon Quek, Y. Adults/Evang. | vernon |
Mr Linus Koe, Family/Media | linus |
Mrs Sharon Quek, Trg/Mobilisation | sharon |
Mr Quek Tze-Ming, Assoc Min Staff | tzeming |
Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming & Pastor Zheng Haoren
Taking Jericho
Joshua 5:13 - 16:16
The Commander (5:13-15)
Extraordinary War Strategy (6:1-16, 20)
Judgement and Salvation (6:17-19, 21-27)
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- When have you felt that God was fighting your battles for you? What was your part in that experience?
- How do you think the visit by the commander of the army of the Lord affected Joshua (5:13-15)?
- How do you think the Israelites felt during their seven-day spectacle of marching (Joshua 6:6-16)? What lessons was God teaching the Israelites?
- How is our spiritual warfare today similar to and different from Israel’s conquest of Jericho (how does 2 Cor 10:3-5 help us)?
Our Church
Tamil Service – Thank God for blessing our Tamil Service! They celebrate their 36th anniversary today. Pray for their congregation to grow spiritually and for more to join them.
Our People
Teachers Day – Today we commemorate and thank God for the teachers in our lives. We especially thank God for our many CD and YD leaders who teach our children and youth the word of God. May our Lord bless the teachers of His word strength, time and wisdom to equip the next generation of faith in our church.
Domestic Helpers – Thank God that many helpers were thrilled to receive care packs from church, and were touched by our expression of love for them. A non-Christian told us she is reading the Bible she received in the pack. She and several other helpers have started to join our Sunday Zoom bible studies regularly. Pray that all domestic helpers contacted will have open hearts, ready to hear God and enjoy reading His word. Pray also that God's word will reach deep into their hearts and impact them, leading them to love God and follow Him wholeheartedly.
Our World
Rebecca Lee (OMF worker, Cambodia) – Praise God that she has come out of a season of ill-health and that her health is now stable. There are some new OMF workers who have had to postpone their arrival in Cambodia due to the pandemic. Pray for God’s good timing for their arrival and that they will be able to focus on God’s calling and faithfulness even in the midst of the uncertainty. Rebecca is also involved in a ministry to Cambodian university students. Pray that a suitable local will be found to boldly lead this ministry where students share Christ with fellow students on campuses.
Beirut, Lebanon – Since the explosion in Beirut on 4 Aug, our ministry partner has been working hard to repair their building. They have managed to repair most of the windows and external gates. They are still determined to continue providing hot meals for refugee families living nearby. Praise God for whatever has been raised so far for their repairs. Pray for the continued provision of funds necessary for the repairs. Next, they hope to repair the internal doors, ceiling lights, tiles and security camera wiring.
Global Church – As the world reaches 8 months of its battle with the Coronavirus, the global church is now seeing the eroding effects of such a long physical separation of believers from one another. This is especially so in places where there is religious opposition. Do pray that churches in our world will grow to be aware of the danger separation poses to believers and that they will prayerfully, and creatively, find ways to continue steadfastly in discipleship and encouragement of one another.

For tithes and offering: General & Missions Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901056-3
PayNow: T10SS0029GGMF

To give towards the General Project Fund
DBS Current A/C: 070-901055-5
PayNow: T10SS0029GGPF
If giving by cheque, please mail to Zion Bishan B-P Church, 4 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579792. Please provide your CONTACT NUMBER on each cheque
- Mr Ng Zhi-Wen spoke at our Tamil Service 36th Anniversary Service on 6 Sep 2020.
Friday, 11 September Praise & Prayer
8 pm: Zoom Prayer Meeting (Registration required):
Saturday, 12 Sep
4pm: Youth Fellowship (Registration required):
Sunday, 13 September
10.30 Livestream
English Services: Faith & Patience Cluster
Pastor: Dev Menon
Elders: Elder Say Chiang & Elder Jeffrey
Deacons: Dn Mervyn, Dns Sherena, Dn Ben, Dn Tim
Staff: Linus & Zhiwen
Sermon Series: The Book of Joshua
13 Sep - Joshua 7:1–26
Mr Quek Tze-Ming (10.30am/1.00pm)
Ps Zheng Haoren (3.00pm/5.00pm)
20 Sep - Joshua 8:1–35
Mr Vernon Quek (10.30am/1.00pm)
Ps Dev Menon (3.00pm/5.00pm)
27 Sep - Joshua 9:1–27
Mr Vernon Quek (10.30am/1.00pm)
Deacon Danny Chua (3.00pm/5.00pm)
Blessed are you, O Lord
Written by Ps Alby Yip
My heart has been heavy over our Land Lease Renewal Fund (LLRF) lately. This was prompted mainly by two matters. Firstly, the bid price for a recently released land parcel was higher than expected and this may affect our lease renewal cost. Secondly, I am reminded that we have exactly a year until the deadline next September to initiate land lease renewal application to the Singapore Land Authority.
As I was praying, I was led to re-read what God had impressed upon me the last time my heart skipped a beat on the LLRF. One of the Bible passages I always take comfort in whenever I am anxious especially about financial matters is 1 Chronicles 29:10-19. It was a thanksgiving prayer in which David prayed after the people rallied together and contributed to the building of the first Temple.
“Blessed are you, O LORD, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.” (vv.10-11). Note David’s use of God’s proper name YAHWEH (depicted by “LORD”) and how David book-ended his praise with God’s eternality and sovereignty.
All that is in-between, is under the lordship of his Lord. It means two things: Firstly, God is so great that everything in the heaven and in the earth belongs to Him. Secondly, since God owns everything, He was and is able to supply anything we need. It is important to always keep this grand image of God in mind. Otherwise, our anxieties may inadvertently reduce the image of God in that we unconsciously doubt His ability to answer our prayers.
Let’s take a closer look at v.11 at how David marvelled at the attributes of God. Note that the article “the” was used eight times. This seemingly excessive use of “the” was to convey the sense of absoluteness, akin to “all the.” The past, present, future; the intangibles like greatness, power, victory and majesty; the tangibles in heaven and on earth; Everything belongs to God!
What a reassurance it is that everything belongs to God and He is able to supply all our needs. Indeed, we have seen how God broke through at every juncture of difficulties and challenges in Zion Bishan’s history. Let us continue to pray and trust that God will again breakthrough in the LLRF matter. Let us also give of our best to partner God in His plan to build up a people in Zion Bishan who will be a City on the Hill and a Light to the Nations.
Annual Congregational Meeting
26 Sept, Saturday, 4-6pm
ACM will be held using an online/proxy format, due to COVID-19 measures.
If you have any questions regarding the proxy form or ACM proceedings, please email acmzion@zionsbishan.org.sg
Please submit your proxy form between 12 Sep and 20 Sep via mail, email, WhatsApp or physical drop box as instructed in ACM papers.
Faith at Home
Meet the Parents Session
The Family and Children’s Ministries would like to meet all Zion Bishan parents to introduce our plans for Faith at Home.
If you missed our first session today, do join us for the next one on 13 Sep, Sunday 2pm.
The session will be aimed at parents with children in upper primary and secondary school, but all parents are strongly encouraged to join in to find out how the church wants to partner you in the important work of faith at home.
Please register by 10 Sep at www.zionbishan.org.sg/mtp-fah to receive the Zoom link.
Contact linus@zionbishan.org.sg for more information.
In-Person Sunday Services in September
If you wish to attend a Sunday Service in person, please register by the Friday before that particular Sunday using the following links (choose from the 4 available time slots)
Sun 13 Sep (Faith / Patience Clusters): https://zb-faith-patience-13sep.eventbrite.sg
Sun 20 Sep (Hope / Peace Clusters): https://zb-hope-peace-20sep.eventbrite.sg
Sun 27 Sep (Mercy / Grace Clusters): https://zb-mercy-grace-27sep.eventbrite.sg
Please note that each Service time-slot is subject to a cap of 50 worshippers only.
Communion will be served at all services.
If you are unsure of which Sunday you should register for, or if you are a non-member who worships with us, do contact your AG leader or any of our pastors.
Visit www.zionbishan.org.sg/phase-2 to view our Safety Management Plan and to check which Cluster your AG is in. There will be no ADC, CD, YD or other activities on Sunday.