Prayer Points 15 November 2020

Our Church

Land Lease Renewal Fund – As we work towards this milestone, thank God for the generous giving and for the interest-free loans by our members and regular worshippers. Pray that we will continue to be good stewards of this land and building and to show our neighbours the love of our Lord Jesus.

ZB COVID-19 Mission Relief Fund – This fund was set up in April, in part to provide relief to Zion Bishan members and regular worshippers during these challenging times. Pray that the funds collected will be used well to provide relief for fellow saints in need. Pray for anyone you know who are struggling and may benefit from this relief.

Men’s Ministry Retreat (14 Nov) – Thank God for 55 men (including leaders) who attended and had a fruitful time at the MM retreat yesterday. Pray that the lessons learnt will continue to equip our men to serve God in the homes, workplaces and community.

December Sermon Series – Pray for our preaching team as they prepare for an evangelistic series this December titled ‘More than you think…’. Pray that all of us will find opportunities to invite someone to come and hear the gospel.

Our People

Basic AG Leaders Equipping Course – The second BAGLE run begins today. Please keep our AG leaders in prayer as they consider what it means to equip the saints and build up God’s church, especially in these trying times and as we look ahead to the next year of ‘disrupted’ church life. Pray that our Father will be molding our leaders through His Word, and challenging them in discipleship and community.

Music Ministry – Thank God for our dedicated team of musicians and song leaders who give their time and use their God given talents to bless our congregation each week. Pray for the teams as they sort out how to better minister to 4 different service time slots.
Pray and praise God also for the hardworking PA and video editing team who use their technical skills as an act of worship to God, working behind the scenes to bless our church weekly too.

Our World

Diwali – This weekend many in the world celebrate Diwali, a festival about new beginnings and the triumph of light over darkness. Pray for Christians to live out the life of Jesus, the Light of the world, that our conversations and acts of service will shine forth the light of Christ.

West Nepal Pray for Brother B, our ministry partner here as he has been hospitalised this past week for Dengue and Typhoid. Pray that his low blood pressure and sugar level will be normalised quickly and for full recovery.

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