Ng Zhiwen has completed his secondment to the Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM) and will return as a ministry staff in April after a break. He will focus on home missions. Do pray that the research and missions projects undertaken by Zhiwen during his time at SCGM will continue to spark off follow up programmes for local churches. Pray for Tammy and family too as they stand with Zhiwen in a fresh season of church-based ministry.
In-Person Sunday Services 8.30am Mandarin service 8.30am/10.30am/4.30pm English service 9.00am Hokkien service 9.30am Tamil service 10.30am Mandarin-English service 10.45am Cantonese-Mandarin service
Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF) Bible Study Groups – To join via Zoom, please register at 8.45am DHF 1A (in English/Tagalog, for all nationalities) In-person at Room 106 & Zoom 8.45am DHF 2 (in Myanmar Language) In-person in Room 105 & Zoom 2.30pm DHF 3 (in Bahasa Indonesia) via Zoom 8.45pm DHF 1B (in English/Tagalog, for all nationalities) only upon request via Zoom