Sermon Notes 11 July 2021
Speaker: Pastor Vernon Quek
Go Urban!
Luke 1-3; Acts 19-20
Intro: Going Urban
1. First Things First (Luke 1-3)
- Jesus: The Salvation needed by ALL
- Mary (1:30ff); Zechariah (1:67ff); Simeon (2:55ff); John (3:1ff)
2. God’s Pattern of Gospel Growth: Cities in Acts
- Jerusalem (Acts 1-2) & Antioch in Syria (Acts 11:19-26)
- Ephesus (Acts 19-20)
3. Zion Bishan: A City Ready
- A City on a (Jade) Hill -> Singapore
- A Light to the Nations around us
A Closing Thought: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35)
Discussion Questions:
- Have you got the ‘First Things First’ in your life? Share with someone where you are at personally in terms of Gospel convictions.
- What is your own personal strategy to use the Gospel opportunities in this city? What are one or two areas you can strategically invest in?
- Name some people that are within ‘10 minutes of effort’. What will you do about this?
- Remember where the power comes from – The Holy Spirit (Acts). Commit all of the above in prayer to the Lord.