To Special Mums Out There, You Are Not Alone!

Ministry Update written by Dr Janet Wang

“I have been in church 3 years but have never heard about the Special Mums Group!!”

This was the response by someone at a recent Friday Prayer Meeting.

In reality, all mothers are special in having a calling and privilege to mother our children. However, when one or more of our children have special needs, it really is a different kind of “special” wisdom and strength, perseverance and compassion needed for the journey.

This is a short testimony of how our loving heavenly Father brought some of us together because of His compassion for us. It is not a private group and if anyone reading has a child with special needs or knows a mother with a family member with special needs, please do consider joining us. We are here to journey with you.

Several years ago on a Women of Zion retreat in JB, several mothers sat together for a meal. The guest speaker also chose to join our table. As a result, over lunch each of us had the opportunity to introduce ourselves. As we shared, one by one, it dawned upon us that although we had all been members at Zion Bishan for years, we had never had the opportunity to learn that each of us has a special needs child!

How awesome it was that our loving heavenly Father would put us together, and He created this opportunity for us to get to know each other!!

Some of us, who had been on this stressful and often frustrating journey longer, could recognize the struggles. Hence, our Lord impressed on us that we should meet regularly to support and encourage each other in a confidential and loving way. We need to be reminded that we are never alone. Also, we can be instruments to understand, love, pray for others. Sharing our challenges has been a blessing and joy to our support group

We meet monthly, on every third Sunday afternoon of the month. You are invited to join us and be part of this Special Mums Group! For, truly, we who have children with special needs are special moms in the sight of our heavenly Father.If you would like to find out more about the Special Mums Group, do email the Enabling Ministry at to get in contact with us!

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