Prayer Points 10 October 2021

Our Church

Leaders’ Prep (LP) Training AG leaders in LP training for the year are coming to the end of their study of the Gospel of John. Thank God for Ps Dev, Ps Vernon, Danny and Joel who have led these weekly sessions faithfully and have helped train up our AG leaders for their bible study sessions with their AGs. Pray that our AG leaders will continue to mature and grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus. May the Spirit work through them as they continue to minister to their AG members. Pray that, as we faithfully study God’s Word, Zion Bishan will grow into a church that loves Jesus, and responds to what we learn.

Our People

Children’s Day – This Children’s Day, we want to dedicate time to pray for our children. Pray that they will grow up to honour God with their lives. We thank God for their Children’s Discipleship (CD) teachers and parents who play important roles in teaching them about God and Jesus. With the pandemic affecting school and life, pray that this next generation of faith will emerge, not weaker but, stronger spiritually, mentally and physically. Pray that everyone in our church will desire to see every child in our church grow up to love God.  

Brother Masilamani – from our Tamil Service, is in ICU having fever after undergoing two major surgeries. Please pray that any infection found will be treated so that his fever will come down. Please also pray for Mrs. Janaki.

Rebecca – Thank God for the faithful love and witness of Khmer Christians and OMF missionaries, like Rebecca, in Cambodia. Praise God for her and the contacts that she has nurtured over the years. Pray that the believers will continue to persevere in sharing the Gospel boldly even when the seeds they have sown do not seem to have borne fruit. Pray that they will not lose heart but to hope in the God of the harvest.

Our World

Bangladesh – We thank God that our partner reports that their education and literacy programmes are able to restart in-person as their pandemic situation eases. Praise God for opportunities to share the love of Jesus in regions where they have their programmes. Praise God they were able to give nutritious food items to 1,000 preschool children and also 100 non-registered Rohingya children. Pray that the brothers and sisters here would be encouraged through an upcoming retreat, pray also for God’s protection to be upon them.

East India – Praise God that our partner was able to start a tribal tuition programme which now has 172 children attending. Thank God also for new contacts in various places. Pray that the love and testimony of brothers and sisters in these villages will point people to Jesus. Pray that the believers here will continue to persevere in their faith in the face of some hostility in these areas.

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