Prayer Points 26 December 2021

Our Church

Food Distribution (20-21 Dec) & Friendship Meal (23 Dec) – We thank the Lord for the opportunity to share the love and hospitality of Christ with seniors and low-income households in our Bishan neighbourhood. Through the food prepared by the Living Room team, church members and volunteers delivered 219 packs of food out to 63 households. Some even had meals together with the residents in 19 homes.

Pray that God will be at work through His Spirit in the hearts of all who have been blessed, that friendships forged and conversations that took place will all be steps that they take closer to Christ.

Our World

Brother S. Thulung –Praise God that Brother S’s father is eating soft food and liquids better after he underwent surgery to insert a stent in his throat. Though feeling weak, he feels better. Due to the increasing number of Omicron cases in the UK, the decision has been decided to travel back to Nepal on 23rd Dec, arriving there on 24 Dec. Pray that he will be able to do the post stent follow up and other tests in Nepal without too much hassle. Pray also for his adjustment back in his home village in Nepal.

NE India –This part of India is experiencing bouts of a cold wave and temperatures, especially in the north, have fallen drastically. Pray for safety of those serving in the open areas and villages in the North.

Nepal –During winter, villagers and workers descend or return respectively to lower and warmer localities, including Kathmandu. Pray that our partner will be able to use the winter months to have fruitful study and ministry planning time with their fellow workers. May the Lord also use the winter season for the sharing of the good news of Christ. Another partner has also reported that renovation work at their new northern children’s home has come to a halt as the cold spell has hit the area and the masons have also left the area for warmer climates. Currently all ministry workers are also back to their home base in the south. Pray for them to be able to return in March next year.

Philippines –Typhoon Odette claimed at least 375 lives since it ripped through this archipelago last week (CNN, 21 Dec). Our partner SMO has also reported damage to their buildings at their Student Centre (Bacolod City) and also at the Promised Land (Murcia) where their crops, animals houses, student dormitories were damaged. Thankfully their animals (goats, pigs) were rescued and the blackout due to damage to an electrical post has now been repaired and electricity supply restored. Water supply which was also disrupted has also returned. Pray for the restoration and recovery work ahead for Philippines and for SMO.

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