Sermon Notes 13 February 2022
Mr Quek Tze-Ming / Mr Danny Chua
Love of Money
Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12
Oppression (Again!) & The Love of Money (5:8-17)
Will we who love money ever be satisfied with it?
- A ‘sickening tragedy’: harmful riches & eating in darkness (5:13-17)
The Good Life Now: Right & Fitting Enjoyment (5:18-20)
How can we find the God-given joy that occupies our hearts?
- “What I have seen to be good and fitting…” (5:18)
- Remember 3:11… “He has made everything beautiful (good and fitting) in its time.”
Your Worst Life Now: Zero Enjoyment (6:1-12)
What is the point of great wealth and possession without the ability to enjoy them?
- A ‘zero enjoyment’ life: far worse than the worst kind of loss (6:1-6)
So… What is ‘right & fitting’ Christian enjoyment today?
Questions for Reflection
- Read Eccl 5:8-17; 6:1-12. How does the Preacher describe the nature of wealth?
- On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being very little, 10 being very much), how would you rate your attachment to the things you own? Describe one particular struggle you have had in this area.
- Note the contrast between Eccl 5:18-20 and what you’ve read (5:8-17; 6:1-12). What role does God have in the satisfaction which wealth and possessions can bring?
- How do you think Christians define “the good life”? Is it different from what “the good life” is, according to: a) your parents, or what you show your children?; b) the politicians that you hear?; c) the advertisements that you see? Why and why not?