ZB Covid-19 Taskforce Advisory – 31 Mar 2022
Grace and peace be with you all. Since our last advisory (dated 11 March 2022), a significant relaxation of Safe Management Measures took effect on 29 March 2022. While we look forward to relaxed measures that will considerably enrich our gathering together as God’s people, we intend to take a measured approach to implementing changes so that we maintain a level of public health safety in all of our on-site ministry activities. After all, we must continue to care for the elderly, vulnerable members and unvaccinated children who join us for our on-site ministry activities.
Here is a summary of the key changes for our church family:

a. Group size limits will now be increased from 5 to 10 persons. We nevertheless continue to encourage safe distancing between groups. The sanctuary capacity remains unchanged at 350 pax. Worshippers who wish to sit at a safer distance from others for health reasons may do so.
b. The whole church premises are deemed to be ‘indoors’. Everyone should thus be masked upon entering any of our gates.
c. Masked Congregational singing is permitted for worship services.
d. Rostered Routine ART testing is no longer required. However, we emphasize personal responsibility in all our conduct. E.g. Those who feel unwell should refrain from attending in-person activities; Those visiting a vulnerable person should self-test beforehand.
e. We plan to gradually reintegrate the consumption of Food & Beverages on site, and permit it only for specific, approved activities. Please speak to brother Ng Zhi-Wen for enquiries.
We encourage all worshippers who are well to gather regularly for in-person, congregational worship every Sunday. If you are concerned about doing so for the time being, please do speak to your Congregation Shepherding Team that we may extend pastoral support to you.
Finally, do notify us if you’ve tested positive for COVID-19 so that we can offer you care and support, and inform those who have been in close contact with you to avoid interactions with their vulnerable family members or relatives.
Serving Christ together,
ZB Covid Taskforce
31 March 2022