Sermon Notes 10 April 2022

Speakers: Mr Quek Tze-Ming/Ps Vernon Quek

The End of the Matter

Ecclesiastes 12:9-14


The Narrator’s Assessment of the Preacher’s Journey (v8-12)

  • Qoheleth – one who speaks to the assembly
  • Teaching, Searching, Writing

The End of the Matter (v13&14)

What matter? Qoheleth’s Quest

  • Fear God and Keep His Commandments
    • Fearing God in Ecclesiastes: 3:14; 5:7; 7:18; 8:12&13
  • Why? For God will judge every deed


Questions for Discussion & Reflection

  1. Which of the Preacher’s words of truth have struck you from the book of Ecclesiastes this year?
  2. What does Fearing God and keeping His commandments mean to you now? Are you convinced that this really is the end of the matter?
  3. How does God’s final judgement shape your living ‘under the sun’? How does it rightly help you Fear God?
  4. What exactly is v12 warning us against? What does this mean you need to watch out for in your life?

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