Announcements 12 June 2022
Graceworks Generations Survey
We live at a unique point in history where at least five generations are living and working together. Each generation has been shaped by formative experiences and the way we view life and faith are different. This has resulted in misunderstandings and conflicts in families and even in the church. The Generations Project by Graceworks seeks to increase empathy between different generations through in-depth ethnography and generational trends research.
Together with Graceworks, Zion Bishan will be conducting a 15-20min online survey for our members, in order to gain awareness and understanding on how to better minister to the various age groups present in our church.
Details will be sent through the Bulletin & AG chat groups in the coming weeks.
Calling All Men To Join Us In This Men’s Ministry Event.
Topic: Brother Epaphroditus – A Fellow Soldier
Date: Sat, 25th Jun 2022
Time: 8.00am – 9.30am
Venue: L4 Chapel (100% In-Person Event!)
Speaker: Ps Lek Yong Teck, Lead Pastor, Bukit Panjang Methodist Church
Please click the link below or scan the QR code to register for this event.

Upcoming Events on Refugees
1) Interserve’s World Refugee Day Prayer Meeting
14 June (Tue), 8 – 9.30pm
Come and hear live updates from ZB’s Lim family currently in Greece via Zoom.
Sign up by 12 June at
2) WEC’s Refugee Awareness Day
18 June (Sat), 2-5pm at Bartley Christian Church
Learn more about refugees through interactive activities, multicultural worship, video interviews and prayer.
Sign up by 12 June at
Missions Month 2022 – Everyone Missional Everywhere
As followers of Jesus, each one of us are on Mission! Look forward to a series of sermons beginning from 10th July, workshops and prayer meetings, that will help us to consider the harvest fields that God is calling us to, and the role each of us play as His witnesses wherever we go!
ExCEL Apprenticeship
Have you thought of going into full-time ministry? The ExCEL apprenticeship is a 1-2 year full-time programme that aims to provide training & experience for those considering full-time ministry.
Contact Ps Dev or Ps Vernon for more information.