Prayer Points 26 June 2022

Our Church

Our Ministry Staff & Apprentices – We thank God for the ministry and service of our sister, Tay Lihui, who will be stepping down from her position as apprentice from July onwards. Do pray for her in her next season of life and ministry.

Pray for three other apprentices, Vanessa Lee, Joel Khoo, and Jacqueline Lie who will be appointed as ministry staff from July onwards. May God continue to strengthen them and grant them clarity in their ministry journey ahead.

Pray for Danny Chua who is commencing his full-time theological studies (Master of Divinity), that God will give him and his family perseverance and joy for the new season ahead.

Missions Month – As we look forward to be challenged by sermons, and consider the vast harvest fields out there through the workshops and prayer meetings, pray that our hearts will be listening and that each one of us will grow in conviction that, as disciples of Jesus, we are all on mission 
for Him.

Our People

Pastor Vernon Quek will be undergoing gallstones removal surgery on Monday, 10.30am. Do pray for a smooth and successful surgery, and speedy recovery.

Daniel Tay – We thank God for the good news that his tumour was removed completely as test result showed that the 5cm margin is all cleared of any cancer cells. Continue to pray for Daniel to make good progress in his recovery.

Our World

India – Pray for Bro K who is training to be a field worker. Recently, he was diagnosed to have advanced osteoarthritis, and that is causing him much pain as well as difficulty with mobility so much so that he is currently unable to continue with his theological studies. Praise God for the community of gospel workers who have rallied around him to help in care for him at this time. As his family is unable to afford the dual hip replacement surgery needed to treat his condition, his community of gospel workers have raised some funds for this. Pray that the Lord will provide the remaining funds that are needed so that he can have this surgery.

Pray also for Bro B (who lost part of his left leg after being hit by a bus in 2021 and has a young daughter staying with him). Some of you might remember praying for him. He is now diabetic, and his right leg is currently swollen and needs to be examined. These conditions have led to him having hearing and vision problems. Pray for healing and grace from God to strengthen and encourage him.

Indonesia – Praise God for the work in remote villages where people are growing in their understanding of who Jesus is. Recently, what should have been a 7-hour journey to one of these villages became a 12 hour one instead because of bad road conditions. Pray for continued perseverance and strength for the workers in these areas as they seek to share the love and light of Christ here.

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