Sermon Notes 26 June 2022

Speaker: Eld David Leong & Joel Khoo
[ 8.30am & 10.30am ]

The Household of God(liness)

1 Timothy 4-5

1. The Younger serving the Older — exhorting them to godliness by:

a. Training yourselves in godliness (4:6-12)

b. Devoting yourselves to Scripture (4:11-16)

2. The whole Household of God — encouraging each other to godliness 

Conclusion: Why does the godliness of God’s household matter? (3:14-16)

Reflection Questions:

  1. What was one thing that you were struck by from the passage or sermon?
  2. Why should we exhort each other across generations to godliness & hope? What if the church was not doing that?
  3. How can we be exhorting one another to godliness across the generations? Share with one another if you have experienced this inter-generational encouragement yourself.

Speaker: Eld Chan Kin Yip & Eld Reginald Tan
[ 3pm & 5pm ]

Follow the Leader

Mark 10:35-45

Jesus on Leadership

Reflections from a baby boomer

Stories from a millennial

Follow the Leader

Reflection Questions:

  1. What does Jesus teach us about leadership? 
  2. Why would anyone want to step up to lead in God’s church? What is there to be gained? 
  3. What benefit is there when the church has both older and younger leaders?

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