By Ps Zheng Haoren
Holy Communion on 4 September 2022 was special for me on two counts. Firstly, it marked my final administration of this holy sacrament as a pastor at Zion Bishan (ZB) before my retirement. Secondly, the Lord enabled me to see the lyrics of the Communion hymn clearly on the LED screens facing the Communion table that day. My heart was uplifted, praising God!
You see, my vision has been deteriorating over the last five years because of glaucoma. It has come to a stage where visual contrast is an issue. My vision is growing dim and I can now identify with Jacob in Genesis 48:10. In recent months, I have practically given up reading the LED screens from the pulpit. So being able to read the Communion hymn was a pleasant surprise and delight!
My eyes have been literally playing tricks on me. Every now and then, I would encounter the “now you see it, now you don’t” phenomenon. With this increasing challenge, I have learnt to focus my eyes. It helps that I pause and be still when I look in the direction I need to see. Depending on the lighting, the vision in that direction may come into focus… sometimes it does not.
The decision to retire early stems from the desire to focus and not be spread thin. I am acutely aware that I do not have much time where sight is concerned. I could go blind anytime. So, it was with much consideration and prayer that my family and I agreed that I should give my best attention in my remaining years of sight to focus on a local ministry and an overseas assignment that God has laid upon my heart for many years now.
Therefore, with Session’s blessing, I went on a part-time work arrangement from April 2021 to prepare and focus on my next assignment and work out the handing over of my portfolio and duties to Sharon and Zhiwen and the teams they now lead.
I am stepping out with a grateful heart. It has been a rich blessing from the Lord to serve amongst faithful and dedicated colleagues for over 10 years at ZB. Each of them has taught me in different ways what it meant to follow and focus on Jesus.
Peter walked on water when his focus was on Jesus (Matthew 14:29-30). When he took his eyes off the Lord, he sunk. In their discipleship journey, Peter and the apostles focused on Jesus and His commands and lived out their calling. May we follow their example!
Every blessing!