A Day to Rejoice and Remember
By Ps Alby Yip & Vanessa Lee
This past Saturday (29 Oct), we had the joy of commemorating Zion Bishan’s 28th Anniversary. It was wonderful seeing the sanctuary filled with members, friends and guests gathered as One Body of Christ to celebrate God’s faithfulness to Zion. We had a wonderful time of multi-lingual and multi-ethnic worship reminding us of our unity in diversity.
We then heard from Pastor Alby on Revelation 7 about that blessed vision of the multitudes of different tongues and tribes standing before the throne and before the Lamb. We are reminded that the church’s vision must ultimately be making and discipling believers with that grand vision in mind.
Hence, the core value of Zion Bishan’s Next Lap Vision for the next two years is to seek to present everyone mature in Christ (Col 1:27).
To add to the celebrations, we also had the joy of witnessing the ordination of Rev Paul Yeo and Rev Ng Zhiwen. Perhaps, it was a God-ordained timing as we witness, just as our Next Lap core values state, disciples #getdeep in the Word, #getreal in pledging to live a life of transparency before man and God, #getsent in offering their lives on the altar of God’s service as Ministers of the Gospel.
We crowned off our anniversary with a sumptuous eight-course dinner with over 700 people present. Our fellowship hall was transformed into a sea of laughter and joy in the Lord as brothers and sisters in Christ sought to encourage and spur one another on in life, faith and service unto God. Again, reminding us of that grand vision of God’s Heavenly Banquet (Is 25:6).