Hebrews #13 9:1-28
Day 1
Flip through the past few chapters of Hebrews (from chapters 4-8) briefly and take a moment to recall what you have been hearing from the Lord in the 1st half of the year. What were some key truths you remember from the past few months in Hebrews? How did the Holy Spirit use these truths to grow your knowledge of Jesus our Great High Priest and love for Him?
Speak to our Father in heaven in prayer about all these things.
Day 2
Read Hebrews 9:1-10 where the author describes the earthly tabernacle and the Day of Atonement. Think about how important the Day of Atonement would have been to the Hebrews church (as Jews). Briefly consider what the Day of Atonement is all about in Leviticus 16 (with reference to the diagram below). What does the Day of Atonement teach us about God, and man, and sin?

Day 3
Read Hebrews 9:11-22. How is Christ’s high priestly work different from the Levitical system? What does His high priestly work achieve for us? Reflect on how this affects our relationship with God through Jesus’ new covenant.
Day 4
Read Hebrews 9:23-28. What is the exact location of Christ’s high priestly ministry? Why is this so crucial for believers in terms of how we have access to Him in the new covenant?
Day 5
Read Hebrews 9:11-28 again. What were some striking verses or truths from chapter 9? How has God grown your understanding or appreciation for Christ your Great High Priest?
Talk to Him with thankfulness as you reflect on Jesus your Great High Priest.
Reflection Songs