
By Ps Alby Yip

We are starting our sermon series on the Book of Revelation this Sunday! Why study Revelation? Some asked. Here are some reasons:

Firstly, the Christ we read in the Gospels appeared as an earthly human, a baby, a teacher, the Crucified. We only catch a brief glimpse of His glory post-resurrection and at the Ascension. Revelation reveals to us Christ in His full glory and pre-eminence. More importantly, as John would want us to know he saw Christ and Christ was with him, “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not…” (Rev 1:17) 

John wants us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this glorious Christ is not only there in heaven, but He is also here on earth reassuring John, and us, of His ever-present help in our times of need.

Secondly, the Book of Revelation is like a lens to help us see the world for what it really is. This is especially important for us Singaporean Christians who live, work and worship in relative comfort. It is easy for us to forget that this is a fallen world and one which we want to forsake in the light of the better world to come in Christ’s Kingdom.

Having a heavenly view of earth is also helpful for those who are struggling in life. Revelation is a reminder and an encouragement that God has a higher purpose for us. Even if we are to be defeated in this life, we are more than conquerors in Christ and God will execute His judgement on evil and will restore those who are righteous. And while we will have separation from our loved ones on earth, we are promised that we will have a reunion, eternally, in heaven.

Thirdly, the Book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of the glorious future that is awaiting us. It reminds us of Who is awaiting us, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the fullest of their splendour. It keeps the weary going. It warns the stragglers to keep on the path. It encourages us all to give our best and live to our fullest for this Heavenly Kingdom.

Let us therefore not be fearful in studying the Book of Revelation but to immerse ourselves in the studying of God’s Word with joy. Please feel free to reach out to any preachers should you have any questions or clarifications as we go through the book together.       

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