ZB Women’s Weekend

13 Jan 2024 (Sat), Chapel, 9am-1pm (Including Lunch)
Theme: Putting on Christ Together
Speaker: Ms Vanessa Lee
Inviting all ladies in Zion Bishan (13 y/o and above), to join us for a time of encouraging one another through a Bible talk from Colossians 3. There will be worship, tea and a time for fellowship and discussion!
As saints, we have all been raised with the supreme Christ, who is now seated at God’s right hand in heaven! Yet, what does that mean for our day-to-day living in this earthly life, until He appears in glory? And how does that shape the way we relate to one another as sisters in the body of Christ?
Please register at bit.ly/zbwomen
For more information, do approach Vanessa Lee or Dns Debbo.