Prayer Points 7 Jan 2024

Our Church

Back to School – New year ushers in a new chapter for many children and youth in our church body. Let us pray that these children, youth, and their parents, may trust that our good God holds them in His hands, through every fear that change brings. Pray that our children and youth may bring the light of the gospel to the schools that God has appointed for them, to have opportunities to love and care for others like Jesus does.

Women’s Weekend (13 Jan) – We thank God for the precious opportunity to gather as women under God’s Word this coming Saturday, to have our hearts encouraged by Colossians 3. Pray that this will be a fruitful time of ministering to one another with His truth and with our lives, so that we may continue growing in maturity and living intentionally for the Lord Jesus.

Our People

KY – For the last 2 over years, KY has been serving in an NGO serving refugees in West Asia. Pray for her to have wisdom to balance the casework and programmes she is in charge of in the NGO’s mental health and social support arm and also other ministry work she has. KY also covets our prayer for good progress in her language learning and for God to be near to her family back here in Singapore.

Our Denomination

Zion Serangoon – We thank God that our sister church is ordaining a new pastor, Joseph Tee, this morning! Do pray for him and his ministry in Christ as he takes up this sacred responsibility. Keep praying for our sister BPCIS churches, as many of them lack younger leaders to ensure succession and further growth!

Our World

Malaysia – Thank God for the short trip in late December 2023 when 4 ZB members were able to visit our partner who serves among the Orang Asli (OA) of Malaysia.  Thank God for the faithful ministry of our partner in discipling the OA churches and their ministry workers through various training and equipping programmes.  There is much to be done to uplift the OA communities here.  Over their trip, they were able to join in youth camp that is held annually to nurture OA youths in their faith.  Pray for the churches to continue to grow in maturity and for their plans to put in place leadership structure that would best serve the different congregations in the years to come.

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