Announcements 12 May 2024

Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) 2024

26 May (Sun) 1pm, In-Person 

ACM 2024 will be held in-person in the Main Sanctuary. 

The notice of ACM, reports and proxy form have been sent out on 12 May via email. Please if you have not received the details by 15 May. Please submit any questions or items for agenda you may have to Session latest by 19 May.

Please inform the church office if you will be overseas on that day. 
If you are unable to attend the ACM, you may appoint a proxy to attend the meeting and vote on your behalf. The proxy form and instructions on use are included in the ACM papers.

Parking in Church on Saturdays

Kindly note that the church car park will be closed on Saturdays from 6pm onwards. This is to facilitate the setting up of the safe driving lanes for Sundays. We seek your kind cooperation to refrain from parking in the church or remove your car during these restricted hours.

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