Prayer Points 19 May 2024

Our Church

ACM – Pray for our ACM on 26 May, 1 pm. While attendance at the ACM is a membership responsibility, participation in the ACM is also an act of service and worship. We come together to give thanks to God for His provisions. We come also as an act of unity to pray for the church and commit ourselves to God’s plans and purposes for Zion Bishan.

Pray for our leaders and under-shepherds standing for election and re-election, that they may fix their eyes on Jesus our Good Shepherd for His leading and provision as they enter a new term of service. Pray also for our hearts to be united in Christ as we gather to hear from the Lord and commit ourselves to Him moving ahead.

Basic AG Leaders Equipping Course – Thank God for the 7 members/leaders who are participating in this run of BAGLE, beginning today. Pray that our Heavenly Father will minister to them as they reflect on their own spiritual life, and how they can share Jesus in the context of personal discipleship and healthy small group ministry. May the life and goodness of our Good Shepherd, Jesus fill them and guide them in their own ministry to the flock here.

Our World

India – As India continues to hold its elections in phases (until 1 Jun), let us pray for the country to come to know the love of God. In one area, a partner has set up schools and a hospital to serve and uplift the community in these areas. They request prayer for the financial need of one of their schools and also that their auditing work will be completed soon. We thank God that these efforts have borne spiritual fruit in communities who have turned to God. May our gracious father God continue to strengthen and provide for those who follow Christ, even in challenging situations.

Pentecost & The Unfinished Task – Today is Pentecost and we remember today that the Holy Spirit was given to enable us to complete the work of being the Lord’s witnesses to the ends of the earth. Let us continue to pray for those who are still outside the Kingdom to have a Christian near them to share and shine the light of Christ in their lives. May Singapore continue to raise up harvest workers for the least reached in Asia and beyond.

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