Prayer Points 26 May 2024

Our Church

June Sermon Series – Next month we will have a mini-series on “Gospel Culture”. Local and guest preachers will speak on how the gospel changes us to be vulnerable, humble, accountable & hospitable. This will be in line with the church camp where we will hear messages on how the gospel transforms the way we view God, ourselves, each other and the church as a whole. Pray that God’s Word will reach our hearts and transform our interactions!

Our People

HY – Sister HY returned earlier this month from a 6-month trip to West Asia to serve with Habibi International where she assisted in their operations working among refugees. HY will continue to assist with the work remotely and also keep up with her language learning online so as to stay connected with her language helper. May her transition back to Singapore life be smooth and may she be able to process well all that God had led her to experience.

Our Denomination

Hebron BP Church will be undergoing major upgrading works that may last for up to two years. Pray for the three churches affected, Hebron BP, Horeb BP and Gerizim BP Churches as they vacate to other locations. Pray for God’s provisions and their members’ unity as they embark on this project which will entail sacrifices, understanding and patience.

Our World

Indonesia – Pray for 14 of our missiology alumni (and 16 children) who are gathering next month for an annual retreat to share and encourage one another in their personal walk and work in the harvest field. Pray for a good time of fellowship and spiritual encouragement with the ZB team that is going. Pray that the planned training in areas such as “Business as Mission”, “My Spiritual Journey”, and  “A Biblical response to persecution” will be useful and relevant. May all attendees continue to draw closer to Jesus as they seek to be salt and light in the communities they are in.

Philippines – Student Missionary Outreach (SMO) missionary Ps Noel and 2 others in his team have been serving among the Tau’t Bato people in the mountain area of Palawan, a northern island of the Philippines. Thank God that a small love gift from our church was able to support some of their programmes in reaching out to them. They have been conducting home bible studies, a feeding programme and also giving some clothes and medicines for the people in certain villages. There are some churches in this community and it is their hope that more Tau’t Bato villages will be reached. Pray for them to continue to persevere in nurturing the Jesus followers already there to reach those who do not yet know Jesus in their own people group.

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