Prayer Points 9 Jun 2024

Our Church

Thank God for the Seniors 360 and the Living Room’s Sin Ming Father’s Day outreaches which took place yesterday. Pray that there may be gospel fruit and friendships formed from the conversations and relationships forged.

“Gospel People” Church Camp 2024
This week almost 550 of us from both the English and Chinese congregations will leave for Malacca for our annual family camp from 14-18 June. Pray for journey mercies, good health for all and for prepared hearts eager to meet with the Lord and to fellowship with His people. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s anointing upon our speakers and upon all who minister His Word: in children’s program, workshops and in the many personal conversations with one another. Pray especially for non-believers in our midst to experience God’s love for them as they see the Gospel lives out in and through us. 

Our People 

SA & J – Pray for a smooth transition to life in the Philippines as a couple, especially for SA as she takes language lessons to be able to communicate better. Pray for wisdom in ministry opportunities.

Our World

Lebanon  Our partner here reports that recent attendance at their centre programmes in the Bekaa Valley were affected by growing opposition from others in the area. Pray that our brothers and sisters persevering there will do so with grace, wisdom and boldness. May God provide and protect them as they continue offering these programmes and meetings with the love of God even with lower attendance and the growing opposition.

Nepal  Pray for Brother S and Sister T as they travel from to Nepal to India to visit some of their mission workers and to encourage and help others in their community who are discouraged in the Lord. Pray for His protection and also provision. May they also bring the right words of encouragement from the Lord to them.

India – The recent elections saw the current ruling party voted in for a historic third term but with a much slimmer majority resulting in a coalition government. One partner in India requests prayer for a stable government. since coalitions have historically been very unstable; and for the minorities be protected and the constitution upheld. We thank God that He is sovereign in all circumstances. May He continue to strengthen and empower our brothers and sisters there to be salt and light in their communities.

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