#GetReal about Mission
By Sha.ron Quek
Every July, here at Zion Bishan, we focus more on God’s Mission. Some are happy to hear more about this, but others perhaps feel great discomfort about it. But this month, we want to “GetReal” about it.

Over the last few years, we looked at how we are all called to be missional everywhere (2022), with the task of reaching every heart without Christ, one on one (2023). And this year (2024), we want to focus on getting REAL with the task of mission, its pursuit, its privilege, its cost and finally its challenges. Our focus angle this month will be to surface difficult topics and conversations about Missions and foster openness, transparency and vulnerability around that.
Why GetReal about missions? You may ask. The reason simply is so that we can spur one another on in truth and love for the task Jesus gave us, to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. This task originates in the heart of God for a world that is yearning and suffering in sin’s grip.
Brothers and sisters, let’s not be happy to enjoy God’s salvation only for ourselves. This good news is also for others! We have a responsibility and privilege to share it, to give it to those God has placed around us, and for those even further away. God is already doing this according to His own sovereign plan, our part is to discern how to join Him in what He is doing.
Come and engage in the sermons, missions prayer nights and missions conversations this month!