Prayer Points 21 July 2024

Our Church

ESL Ministry – Thank God for the break in June for both students and teachers. Classes resumed this past Monday and praise God for the many who re-registered for the new semester. Pray for the teachers to be renewed each week as they labour to love the students by drawing them to know Jesus through the teaching of English.

The Cost of Mission – Missions is about serving Jesus and it begins from our worship of Him. Pray for our heart’s response to the message we have heard today be one where we will increasingly recognise Jesus’ supreme worth in our lives, and in our worship of Him labour towards the end where we see our families, communities and the nations come to worship Him.

Our World

India – Praise God for His unwavering support and protection for one partner last month as they were able to complete summer camps for children in 16 locations.  Pray for God’s provision and protection for another 4 summer camps (Children) in the coming days. In the Hindi Belt areas, one partner request prayers for their plan to build a local church, as they face local opposition and challenges.

Ipoh – Ps Ebi and SQ were able to visit Ipoh last week. The small fellowship group of 5 ladies, 1 gentleman, and 1 child, was able to have a good time of Bible discovery on Friday night. Pray that what they are learning and hearing from God will be impacting the lives of all who participated.

Nepal – One partner give thanks that the monsoon rains have finally arrived at their locations and they have leased a total of 30 acres of land so that their senior boys and girls can start paddy cultivation (as a life skill training) as well as providing rice for their own consumption.

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