Prayer Points 15 Sep 2024

Our Church

Domestic Helpers Fellowship (DHF) – Thank God for the helpers in our midst who look after our seniors and various different needs in each of our households here at Zion Bishan. For the many helpers who come with their employers attending either the ethnic or English services on Sunday mornings, pray for employers to see how valuable it is that their helpers get to join in DHF’s weekly gatherings (details on page 2 of e-bulletin) and be able to study God’s Word in their heart language. Pray that we will all catch a vision for how God draws each one of us (including helpers) closer to Him and ministers to our hearts through His Word and the fellowship of the saints.

Our People

SA and J – Praise God that SA and J have settled well in the Philippines.  Praise God that language studies are going well for SA, while J is busy with pastoral and ministry duties in a church. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they seek the Lord on how they may best serve him in the region. Pray for good learning for SA as she has enrolled for a course that helps her learn about the culture and worldview of the different people groups in the Philippines.

Our Denomination

Herald BP Church – Pray for God’s favour to be upon Herald as they go through a season of renewal. Please pray also for the complete recovery of their pastor, Rev Bob Phee, who is recuperating after surgery and for a future leadership transition. They are also praying for more brothers and sisters to join the church and to be convicted to serve the Lord there.

Our World

Nepal – A team of 2 from our church left this week to visit our partner.  They will be helping to encourage the youths in our partner’s community to follow and love the Lord more.  Pray for journey mercies for the team and for them to be in good health. May they be blessed by all that they will be experiencing and learning from the Lord in this trip. Pray for open hearts to God’s word for all the youths engaged with them in their time in Nepal so that they will grow in their love for their neighbours.

Typhoon Yagi – Over the last 2 weeks, typhoon Yagi, Asia’s strongest storm in 2024 made landfall along the coast of China’s Hainan province on 4 Sep (Straits Times, 6 Sep), and northern Vietnam on 7 Sep (12 Sep).  In Hainan, there were widespread power outages and shut many schools and businesses.  Thankfully most power outages were restored on 6 Sep. In Vietnam though, several Hanoi districts remain inundated on 12 Sep. Floods and landslides also continue to affect many areas, with at least 197 people reported killed and another 128 missing since the storm struck (Straits Times, 12 Sep).  Pray for those whose homes and lives have been devastated by super typhoon Yagi, that they may receive the help that they need and comfort.

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