Prayer Points 29 Sep 2024

Our Church

PSLE Exams – The written exams began this past Thursday on 26 Sep and will run till 2 Oct. Pray for the children in our midst, from our church family and also in our tuition ministry, who might be anxious for this major exam. Pray for God’s peace to reign and rule in their hearts as they prepare. Pray also for wisdom for the parents to support their children well.

Antioch Summit (3-5 Oct) – The Antioch Summit, a missions conference, starts this coming Thursday. Over 30 of our members have signed up for either the Leaders Track or the Main Conference. Pray for all who will be coming, and also for the organizers. Pray the Lord of the harvest will raise up more labourers for His harvest field in the nations.

Our World

The 4th Lausanne Congress – We thank God for 5000+ believers that met in Seoul, Korea this week, and another 4000+ that met online (including Ps Zhiwen, Ps Dev, Ps David L, Seang Pin and Christ.y), from over 200 nations. This Congress is one of the largest and most diverse gatherings of Bible-believing Christians ever. The Lausanne movement was started 50 years ago to catalyse global evangelisation, so that the gospel can reach every person, place and sphere of society. This meeting is particularly key as the rate of gospel witness has radically dropped below the rate of global population growth. Pray that many new connections and collaborations will take place and many more hearts will be stirred to obey Christ’s great commission.

Lebanon – As the conflict in Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon escalated last week, pray for those affected in southern Lebanon where casualties and civilian displacements were reported. Some brothers in Christ in Lebanon have reported a surge in the number of people asking for shelter because they were moving out of the conflict zone. The churches stand ready to help those internally displaced with whatever resources they have. Pray for the provision of enough resources to feed and house those affected. One pastor’s wife from Lebanon wrote: “We are in the perfect storm that might destroy our country completely, but it could also transform our country for Jesus. Please pray for us.”

Myanmar – The floods that have resulted from Typhoon Yagi’s wake in Myanmar has caused almost 900,000 people to be displaced and hundreds of lives lost. This week, Zion Bishan’s ministry partner, OM Mercy Teams International, is bringing relief supplies (staple foods, blankets, mosquito nets, solar lights) to the internally displaced peoples in Naypidaw where most of the flood has happened. Pray for the safe passage and distribution of the relief supplies and resources to reach them this coming week.

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