Prayer Points 8 Sep 2024

Our Church

OnePeople SG Visit (7 Sep) – Thank God for the opportunity some members and leaders had to interact with and share with representatives from different religious organisations about our Christian faith and our practices this weekend. Pray for open hearts for those who may be hearing the Gospel for the first time, and that there will also be avenues where we can continue being a faithful witness for Christ and His Kingdom, here in our Bishan neighbourhood and beyond.

Our People

Darrell T – Pray for DT as he serves to mobilise and encourage those in the body of Christ here in Singapore to participate in God’s wider mission globally. In September, he has roles at a conference with his organisation (3 workshops and 1 worship session) and also in October’s Antioch 21 Summit. Pray for good preparation and good connections at these events.

Ps Ebi – Thank God for the safe return of Ps Ebi, from India last week after teaching and encouraging 20 Pastors for 3 days (2-4 Sep) from the Bible. Many of them also found the discussions on theology and church ministry relevant and helpful. Pray that these Pastors will respond in action to all that they have been learning at this gathering.  Praise God for the change and growth that is taking place in their understanding and preaching of God’s Word.

Our Denomination

We thank God that more BPCIS churches are open to sharing their needs and we are learning how better to help and support one another. Pray that many more members at Zion Bishan will be moved by the gospel to go and serve these other churches; to minister alongside the saints there, as they continue to be a witness in the communities God has planted them in.

Our World

India – Thank God for the opportunity for our group who visited recently to share on expository preaching and the Bible worldview to our brothers and sisters here. Pray for God’s grace and encouragement for many believers here facing challenges for their faith. Another area of challenge of believers are their efforts of ministry workers to be self-sustaining financially. Pray for the provision of these needs for them and their families.

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