Prayer Points 26 Jan 2025

Our Church

Romans – As we embark as a church family on a journey through the book of Romans beginning next week, let us pray that the Spirit will open our hearts and minds to grow in Christ and boldness in His gospel. May the Lord also help each member and AG make sense of what being a missional community means through this precious letter. May we prayerfully consider areas where we can step out to and #GetSent for Him.

Lunar New Year – As many families gather to celebrate this coming week, may the Lord help us to use these opportunities for gospel conversations with loved ones and friends. Pray also for our church family to extend loving hospitality and friendship to those who particularly experience a greater sense of loneliness in such festive seasons.

Our Church’s Mission Workers: 

  • Open hearts – For the gospel seed to land on open, receptive hearts that will bear long-lasting fruit.
  • Boldness – that the Spirit will provide the workers with boldness and words to share the good news across cultural and language barriers.
  • Strength and Perseverance – that God will encourage the workers when work appears fruitless and they will be refreshed and restored in Jesus and God’s grace and favour be upon them during challenging times.
  • Effective Ministry and Harvest – that the workers continue to abide in Jesus and to rely on God for all aspects of their ministry and a rich harvest be produced for the Lord.

Our World

Indonesia – A partner informed that one of their groups had a Christmas get-together for believers. This group is very active at reaching out to their friends and families. In fact, this month, they celebrated 7 baptisms from the people they reached out to. These ones are the result of various prayer and support from the field teams. Pray that more will be sharing the gospel in the harvest in an effective way so that transformation can come to individuals in this community.

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