The Next Lap Continues…

By Ps Dev Menon

Two weeks ago, the Next Lap leadership team had a day retreat. We spent a few hours going through the Vision, to reflect on what we had been hearing from God and His Word, and to co-discern the path moving forward. 

We agreed that we should press on with our current 3-fold vision over the next few years, to ensure that every member becomes mature in Christ. Ideally… 

  1. Each person that joins Zion Bishan, joins an AG, anchored under a specific Congregation, where they can be personally discipled by a trained leader proficient in handling the Word of God (#getdeep). 
  2. Each AG becomes a place that reflects a gospel culture: where we welcome and interact with one another as saints loved by God; sufferers with areas of real brokenness; and sinners with specific and ongoing sins (#getreal). 
  3. Each AG should strive to be a place where people are eventually sent out to minister to others either within the congregation, the church, the denomination, the neighbourhood or even to the nations (#getsent). 

More than that, the pastors agreed that while it is good to keep growing in number and size (thanks be to God!), we don’t want to hoard our growth. We want to be aggressive about sharing our blessings with the denomination and the wider kingdom. We want to keep using our resources to serve others. At the same time, we also want  to start sending out people to wherever there is need, and to whomever asks for help. We want to give away our fruit! 

Indeed, I feel personally encouraged, inspired and challenged by fellow leaders with such a heart and such a selfless (and hopefully Christ-like) vision! 

May God bless the work of our hands! 

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