The Year of Getting Sent

By Ps Ng Zhiwen

And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach
(Mark 3:13-14)

Over the last two years, we have covered Personal Discipleship (#GetDeep) and having a Gospel Culture (#GetReal). These are the first two pillars of our church’s Next Lap vision. The third pillar is on Missional Communities (#GetSent).

These three are essential for our lifelong journey of being more like Jesus. We want everyone to be mature in Christ.

So, this is the year of getting sent.

There are many passages in Scripture on getting sent. The one I’ve printed above has been especially meaningful to me this past year. That was the passage that the Lord impressed on my heart when my team and I were planning for the Antioch Summit 2024 last year. This was the annual missions conference of the Antioch21 movement.

You might have thought that a missions conference would be all about challenging people to missions by citing statistics, sharing powerful testimonies, and by describing the urgent needs in the world right now.

But we were convicted by the Lord that the conference had to begin with our call to intimacy with Christ.

To behold His beauty and glory.

To love Him and enjoy His presence.

To learn from Him and grasp what is on His heart.

To come away utterly certain that Jesus, the Lamb of God, is worthy of worship among all the nations.

And so the first evening of the conference was given entirely to Scripture-based worship and prayer.

And then to hear our personal call from the Lord to get sent. He is the one who sends.


Mark 3:13-14 describes such a time that Jesus had with His followers. 

He went up a mountain (think “Summit”). Biblically, the mountain is where God meets with His people. Here, Jesus (being God) called His people to come to Him. This is the first calling: To come to Jesus. It’s remarkable how Jesus’ people are described as the ones He ‘desired’.
He longs to be with His people.

Then Jesus appointed the twelve. We know them as Jesus’ twelve disciples. Here, they are named “apostles” which means “the sent ones”. Clearly, to be “sent out” would be a part of their identity and calling. And they will go on to be sent out to preach the good news of Jesus and do many wonders in His name.

But notice with me that prior to being sent out, the appointment of the “sent out ones” is firstly that they be with Jesus (Mark 3:14).

This is a call to intimate fellowship with Jesus. And it comes first.

Throughout this year, we will hear much about God’s mission and about being a missional community.

But let this also be a year of deep intimacy with the Lord. I pray that you will grow deeper in your walk with Jesus, and sweeter in your love for Him.

And out of this intimacy, I pray you will be ready to give your whole-hearted YES to Him: YES to whatever He asks you to do, and to wherever He sends you (and your community).

Isn’t this what Jesus also did? He gave His YES to the Father, who sent the Son.

Let’s follow Jesus in His example.

Have a truly blessed 2025.

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