A Brother

By Ps Dev Menon

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Over the last few weeks, I have been reminded of the preciousness of having friends… more so, brothers in Christ. People whom you can call in moment’s notice, and they will be there. Yes of course, they share in the joys and accomplishments, but it is interesting that the proverb says they become ‘brothers’ when there is adversity. How true. 

I think many of you know I am an advocate of 321s, three (or max. four) friends meeting once a month, for 2 hours (usually over a meal) – to share about life, work, family and ministry. We take turns to share, and the others just listen and ask helpful questions, before praying for one another. This active listening presence is very powerful.

This regular investment in spiritual friendship over the years has turned into many tangible deeds. I saw these brothers help me when I was not doing well. I saw these brothers come alongside me in difficult ministry situations. I saw these brothers even advocate for me when I was attempting to start something new or change a prevailing culture. They sacrificed time, energy and convenience for one another. 

Just last week there were 3 specific occasions where 3 different sets of these brothers yet again were so present and reassuring… it made life so much more bearable. 

Yet what motivates these brothers, is not just friendship, it is the gospel. 

I wonder if you noted in Romans (e.g. 1:12 & 15:32) how Paul was confident that he would be encouraged and refreshed by the Roman church – a group of believers he had never met! There’s something about being so aligned in the gospel, in the knowledge of Christ, that allows strangers to become encouraging brothers – at first contact even! 

A brother in Christ can be there for you in adversity – even if he’s never met you. Hard to believe, no? But it seems to be the gospel truth. A truth, glad to say, I am more and more experiencing, the more I follow Christ. 

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