Prayer Points 2 Mar 2025

Our Church

ECM – We thank God for the meeting last Sunday, where we passed the budget with almost 99% approval from close to 700 members (including proxy forms). We announced significant changes in terms of the remuneration of apprentices and our mission workers, moving us towards a much more people-centred rather than program-heavy budget. We pray now that God will supply all our financial needs for the coming year, through the weekly giving of our members and regular worshippers.

English as Second Language (ESL) – Thank God for 27 new students that signed up for classes this year. Pray for the teachers to be sensitive to the spiritual needs of our students and for friendships and bonds to form and deepen throughout the year. Pray that each one will come to see and know God’s love for them through this ministry.

Our World

Mrs E Biswas – We had prayed for Mrs Biswas two weeks ago. On 19 Feb, she was called Home to the Lord, aged 85. We thank God for her faithful service alongside her husband who founded the work in NE with which we have been blessed to be a Gospel partner for about 30 years. We praise God for the growth of the work throughout that region. Pray that the legacy of faith of Rev & Mrs Biswas will be passed on to faithful men and women, extending beyond their own region to other parts of India and even overseas.

Nepal – Thank God that our church group of 3 have returned safely to Kathmandu from their visit to a community of brothers and sisters in E Nepal.  It was a difficult journey of long jeep rides and some trekking in order to arrive there, braving mud, rockfalls and flight cancellations. Thank God everyone took it in their stride and  had a fruitful and blessed time with this community. May the gospel continue to transform lives here, where the weather is harsh and life hard.  Pray that they may “Yandon” = “Discover” (in Tibetan) His love and truth.

Ukraine – (The Straits Times, 25 Feb) It has been 3 years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 Feb 2022. While many war crimes are committed against civilians by military forces, pray for God’s peace and justice to come. Pray for renewed hope, and continued heart to serve those suffering, from the Christian community so that the God of love may be known in this war zone. May our gracious God reveal Himself to all who cry for help in their time of need. God have mercy. Christ have mercy.

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