The People Behind the Money

By Ps Vernon Quek

This weekend, the members of Zion Bishan gather for our annual Extraordinary Congregational Meeting (ECM). This is the meeting where we talk about the finances – what we’re putting our money towards as a church family.

This year, the leaders are proposing the largest increase to our budget in Zion Bishan’s history. This is something not to be taken lightly as we desire to be faithful stewards of all that God has given us – including our financial resources.

I’ve found the opening words of Romans helpful these past few weeks as I’ve reflected on the significant amount of money we are looking to spend in the coming year. Romans 1:5 states that the Gospel Paul is set apart for is able ‘to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of [King Jesus’] Name among all the nations’.

I’m very glad to say that there is one big reason our budget is increasing this coming year: People. And not just any people. People who are obedient to King Jesus. 

Let me make three observations to show how Romans helps as we consider our budget:

[Full-time Gospel Workers]
Firstly, the increase in our budget is directly going to people who have taken a big step to faithfully obey Jesus by serving Him in full-time paid Gospel Ministry. I’m referring to those who are either already serving on our staff, in the foreign and local mission field, or as apprentices who are currently exploring whether full-time ministry is the best way they can contribute to God’s Gospel being proclaimed. Let’s continue to give thanks and praise to the Lord for growing the seed of Gospel conviction in the obedient brothers and sisters supported in this budget!

[Every saint in Zion Bishan]
Secondly, these brothers and sisters are supported financially by the wider church so that more and more of us in the church family can be matured, trained and equipped with the Gospel. Let’s continue to pray that we will see a multitude of mature and obedient People grown in Zion Bishan (including ourselves!) because of this budget.

[Among All Nations]
Finally, let’s remember Paul’s final priority in Romans: that many more among all the nations will be added to those who faithfully obey King Jesus. Let’s continue to pray with all our hearts that every mature and obedient saint within the Zion Bishan family will be used by the Lord to bring even more People to know and love our King.

This is ultimately what our budget exists for! May the Lord always help us remember His heart for People as we prayerfully steward His financial resources.

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