Hebrews #21 C. 11-13 Review

Day 1

This week, we are aiming to revisit the word God has spoken to us through Hebrews 11-13 over the past few weeks. Take your time today to slowly read through Hebrews 11 again. Which of these ‘faith examples/witnesses (12:1)’ stuck with you? How has the Spirit reshaped your understanding of your ‘faith’ in God after reading c. 11 again?

Spend a moment thanking our Father for what He has shown you and how He has grown you in your faith in Him. 

Day 2

Read Hebrews 12:1-17 again. What do you treasure or appreciate about Christ, our only perfect faith example and the “founder and perfecter of our faith” (12:1-2)? 

How are you sometimes tempted in the race of faith to droop in your hands and weaken in your knees? How does knowing God as our Father who disciplines us lovingly empower you in your spiritual tiredness when running the race?

Pause to reflect further on how you are running the race of faith from day to day. Be honest in asking your Father for help if you are truly struggling to keep running. Openly cry out to Him for help and strength from His Spirit. 

Day 3

Read Hebrews 12:18-29 again. Picture yourself at Mt. Sinai before the terrifying fire of the holy Yahweh. How would you feel about approaching this Consuming Fire in your former life as an uncleansed sinner? 

Picture yourself next, accompanied by your Brother Great High Priest Jesus, standing before Mt. Zion, welcomed into city of the Living God. 

Ask the Lord in prayer to help you grow in reverence and awe for the kind of personal and privileged access you have to God through Jesus. Pray that the Spirit would help you not take this for granted but have a heart of deep gratitude for receiving this eternal kingdom.

Day 4

Read Hebrews 13 again. Reflect on the way you “offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe” (12:28) and “offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name” (13:15). Why is this often a daily struggle, and why do we fail so much in this? What have we learnt in Hebrews so far that helps us find true desire and power to offer acceptable worship to God?

Take time to confess your failings and struggles in offering acceptable worship to Him in your daily life. Ask Him for forgiveness and also for help in the Spirit to remember the amazing truths about Jesus in Hebrews that empower us to do this.

Reflection Songs

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