Prayer Points 2 Jun 2024

Our Church

New Leaders – Thank God for a edifying ACM, where we elected 7 new deacons and deaconesses to serve the various needs of the church. They will be installed at the various worship services from Sunday onwards. Pray for them as they begin this new season of ministry, that they will understand more deeply what it means to be, as Jesus said, servant of all.

Domestic Helpers’ Fellowship (DHF) – Thank God for our volunteers’ faithfulness and for this ‘foreign’ mission field within our shores and even in some of our homes. Pray for a Burmese-speaking worker to join the ministry, and pray also for wisdom to minister better to the Mu.slim helpers. May all the employers in ZB have such good testimonies for Christ at home that their helpers will want to know Him. Pray for our ZB helpers to respond well, so that every ZB household with a helper will be a happy home, glorifying the name of Jesus together.

Children’s Ministry – Thank God for the 53 teachers who have committed to teaching the children God’s truths this year. Most of them attended the CM Retreat on 1 June 2024 to be equipped to understand the book of Judges, so they can disciple the children’s minds and hearts well. Pray that the teachers’ hearts and minds will continue to be shaped by these truths and model them well for the children.

“Gospel People” Church Camp 2024 – Please keep in prayer our church camp, as 550 of our members (across the English and Chinese congregations) will meet together for camp in about 2 weeks’ time. Pray for the camp committee as they continue to finalise arrangements and logistics for the camp. Pray also for the speakers (Ps Simon Murphy & Ps Jacob Ng, from Redemption Hill Church) as they prepare to speak God’s Word to us and help us learn how to embody the Gospel to each other in the church.

Our World

Climate Change – The effects of a warmer earth has led to record temperatures and much heat stress for many this season in South East Asia. Our partner in N India reported daytime temperatures of 44 degrees. The India national elections, which is currently in its last week, has been affected by the heat. Our Myanmar partner reported that most residents stay indoors however with power cuts, it is still very difficult.  Pray that those who are vulnerable, like the elderly, and those working outdoors, will be protected. May the Lord convict our hearts on what we can do to be better stewards of God’s Creation in this critical issue.

India – Pray for one partner who runs a bible college in the northeast and has a number of workers working amongst least reached people groups. The partner is at a crossroad, having to manage its core mission to train and equip workers as well providing for some of their harvest workers’ financial and spiritual needs in its various local fields. Pray for God to give wisdom to its leaders and direct the future path of this partner. May the Lord of the harvest raise up local support and bring unity of purpose amongst its workers in sharing the good news. Pray that all will continue to trust in the Good Shepherd and experience God’s comfort and His peace during these times of uncertainty.

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