Prayer Points 16 Jun 2024

Our Church

Enabling Ministry – This ministry aims to help people of different abilities in Zion Bishan to grow in their faith and be included in the church family. Pray for the parents’ dialogue on 7 July to be well attended so that the church can hear from and better understand the needs of these families. May it be a mutually encouraging time of sharing and learning together.

Our People 

AG Leaders – The June holidays are a scheduled break from teaching and leading Bible studies in many of our AGs. Please pray that the many AG leaders who pour much time, effort and of themselves weekly into their AGs will have a restorative time of hearing Christ’s voice and get good, physical rest too.

Our World

Indonesia – A team of 6 from our church will be attending a retreat here from 22-26 June. Pray that they will have a good time of fellowship and refreshment with our former Missiology School Alumni.  There will be a total of 26 adults and 16 children and youths.  May this be a good time of spiritual refreshment in the Word and in the community of fellow believers.  Many of them are persevering in difficult places.  May God give them protection and good health as they travel.

Israel-Gaza Conflict – Pray for the peace efforts currently ongoing. On 12 Jun, the Straits Times reported that Hamas accepted a UN resolution peace plan and was ready to negotiate details. Though this is a hopeful sign, it remains to be seen if both sides will truly make real progress towards a lasting peace. Pray that both parties which have been hurt greatly in this conflict will have the grace and forgiveness necessary to make peace. May the peace of God rule over the bitterness, hurt and despair there.

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