Off to College!

By Joel Khoo

Time has really flown by – it has been three years since I’ve joined Zion Bishan’s staff team as an apprentice. I’ve spent the last 3 years serving in the Young Adults Ministry and serving with the 1030 & 430 Congregational Shepherding Teams. Now, I’m off to college! Some of you might already know this, but in case you don’t, I’ll be starting my three years in college, studying at the Evangelical Theological College of Asia (ETCAsia). That’s where Danny spent the last two years at — you’ll hear more from his experiences in next week’s WIS. This week, I am beginning college with orientation and my language intensives.

I’m looking forward to spending time being equipped with many tools to study God’s Word better: wrestling with the ancient languages used, seeing the big sweep of God’s story across the Bible, understanding the big things about God and his view of the world. I’m also particularly looking forward to spending time together with fellow Christians who are also training for full-time paid Christian ministry. I hope that we can encourage each other and help each other to grow in our ability to preach God’s Word and shepherd his people.

In order to reap the many benefits of college, I will be taking up studies full-time and taking a step back from some of the ministries and coordinating work in church. I will still mainly be looking after my own AG, as well as training the leaders in SPUR. I am really thankful for the past 3 years of full-time ministry, and I hope to be back better equipped to serve the church.

Please continue to pray for me as I start college this week. Pray that the time in college will be a good time of equipping. Pray that it will not only grow my knowledge, but that the truths from God’s Word we learn together will shape my heart and grow my heart for ministry.

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