Prayer Points 30 Jun 2024

Our People

Youth Sunday – As we celebrate the intergenerational diversity in our church this Youth Sunday, let us pray for our youths. Pray against worldly distractions and negative influence from social media. Pray for our youths to grow deep in their relationship with Jesus, amidst today’s secularised society, to point one another and their friends to Jesus. May each youth platform in ZB (e.g. YF, YD, Youth camp) be centered around the gospel. Pray also for those ministering to our youths, from parents to YD leaders, from YF leaders to camp committees, for patience and joy as they persevere in holding out Jesus.

Joel Khoo – He started 3 years of full-time theological studies at the Evangelical Theological College of Asia (ETCAsia) on 18 June. Pray that his time at college will equip him well for Gospel ministry. He hopes that the truths he will learn will not only shape his mind, but also grow his heart for God’s work, equipping him better to serve the church when he completes his studies.

Sister KY – She has returned to her field 
of service after spending a month here. Please pray for smooth and speedy adjustment to life and the heat which is expected to be in the region of 40 degree and above! She covets our prayer for 1) full recovery from a lingering cough 2) courage to handle new responsibilities as Centre Manager which is on top of her ongoing ministry in counselling and discipleship and 3) God’s shalom upon her family members back home.

Our Denomination

Land Lease Renewals – We thank God that our sister churches, Hebron BP (CCK) & Moriah BP (Simei) have both successfully renewed their 30-year leases at a similarly much lower than expected quantum. God indeed has given our denomination a new lease of life, so we pray that we will use this next season well!

Zion Serangoon BPC – Thank God for our mother church who celebrated their 67th anniversary last Sunday. We pray that they will continue to proclaim Christ to the Serangoon Garden estate and beyond, as they prepare themselves to be ‘Tavistock Ready’ in anticipation of the upcoming MRT station! 

Our World

Indonesia trip – Praise God for a fruitful time of reconnection and refreshment for this group of Alumni, their families (24 adults and 13 children) and our church team. This was the first gathering of Alumni from this region. It was very good for all of them to fellowship, worship and pray together over 2 days. May the Lord continue to bless their work in this western island of Indonesia with fruit from the harvest.

West Asia trip – Thank God that the team of 10 who left on 20 June, with 2 from our Church has completed their Lebanon leg of the trip. Pray that their time in Egypt will be a fruitful one in helping them see where the wider church can be supporting God’s work there.

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