Prayer Points 25 Aug 2024

Our Church

Antioch Summit – Antioch21 is a missions movement to nurture local churches to develop as missions-sending churches, and to see a new generation of long-term cross-cultural missions workers sent out in 2023 – 2033 (the “decade of missions”). Pray for the work of this ministry, and for Ps Zhi-Wen and his team as they steward this movement. Pray also for their major event, the Antioch Summit, happening on 3 – 5 Oct 2024 – that it will awaken and mobilize many in the Church for missions.

A&A Project Dialogue – Pray for a meaningful and fruitful discussion that will provide useful information to our consultant team, so that the eventual design will support the various ministries using these additional spaces.

Community Day (16 Nov) – Pray for our hearts as we prepare for this church-wide celebration of our 30th Anniversary. Whether in getting to know our neighbours in the Bishan neighbourhood by going door-to-door to invite them for this family carnival, or running a snack or game booth, pray that there will be opportunities for people of all ages to get to know us as a church. May the dinner conversations we have with them also facilitate their getting to know Jesus better, and experience His love.

Our World

India – Thank God for the safe arrival of the group visiting the partners. Last week, there was some nationwide unrest on Wednesday. Pray for continued safe travels in that situation. Thank God for good times of learning and fellowship together so far.

Malaysia – As Malaysia celebrates its 67th Merdeka Day on 31 Aug, when the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from the UK, let’s pray for them to experience God’s love as it continues to enjoy God’s blessings of peace and prosperity. Pray also for all Malaysian Christians to be ready to be God’s light to their neighbours and the ends of the earth.

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