Prayer Points 1 Sep 2024

Our Church

Our Teachers – As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, we thank God not only for the school teachers who pour their lives out for our children at school, but also for the teachers of various capacities in our church family. Praise God for the dedication of our CD teachers and YD leaders across the various congregations, who meet our younger ones week in and week out, teaching them God’s Word and helping them grow their faith in Jesus. Pray for our CD teachers and YD leaders, for patience and persistence as they journey with the children and youths, together with the parents; for our teachers to love Jesus more and more, such that our children and youths too will love Jesus.

Catechism Class – The new round began yesterday. Please pray for the 10 table hosts as they spend the next 3 months journeying alongside close to 40 catechumens, helping them to know Jesus better and to integrate into the Zion Bishan family. 

Our World

Middle East – With the recent rise in tensions, Gaza’s civilians, as well as those in the border regions between Israel’s north and Lebanon’s south have suffered greatly. Pray for God’s love, peace, and mercy to liberate this region from the incessant turmoil, oppression, and fear. Pray for local Christians to remain steadfast in faith as they witness for Christ in these challenging times.

Myanmar – This week at Friday prayer meeting, we heard some updates from Myanmar from Rev J. Pray for peace and justice to reign in this impoverished land whose ethnically diverse peoples have suffered greatly since the coup on 1 Feb 2021. Pray also for the refugee crisis amongst the Rohingya people, some of whom have fled to neighbouring countries. May the love of Christ be shown effectively to those in need.

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