English as Second Language (ESL) program
Our weekly two-hour program is divided into two semesters for the full year with 13 lessons in each semester. This year our enrolment exceeded 100 students (50% increase since inception) and we have 24 volunteers taking on teaching and administrative roles in the ministry. The students are from different nationalities (8 different countries) and ethnic groups. This is very encouraging considering that most of the students are non-believers and they are willing to step into the church to take on a church-based learning program. We continue to pray for the non-believers’ students to come to know Jesus and also for more volunteers to step forth to serve. In 2019 we look forward to building a stronger relationship with the students heeding the call to “Go Deep” in our fellowship. Going beyond the classroom, semester class meal and students/teachers outing are planned events in coming months to strengthen the friendship between the students and teachers.