
PA Volunteers Needed

The PA team thanks those who’ve stepped up to serve and while it has helped reduce the resource gap, a deficit still stands to serve the 4 English services.  The PA team is looking for...

Next Lap Dialogue

As a follow up to the Annual Congregational Meeting, the Next Lap team is calling for a dialogue to hear members’ views and concerns about the Next Lap vision. This will be held on Saturday...

Project Timothy Evening Expositions

Project Timothy is running their yearly conference, and the speaker for this year is Andrew Sach. He will be giving four talks over two evenings on Elijah & Elisha in 1-2 Kings. Venue: Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian...

Graceworks Generations Survey

Dear ZB members, as you may have heard on Sunday (12th June), we are partnering with Graceworks in their ‘Generations Project‘ to gain further awareness, understanding and empathy between different age groups in the...