
Upcoming Events on Refugees

1) Interserve’s World Refugee Day Prayer Meeting 14 June (Tue), 8 – 9.30pm Come and hear live updates from ZB’s Lim family currently in Greece via Zoom. Sign up by 12 June at 2)...

Mission Month: Workshops in July

1) 100 million & Counting, 23 July (Sat), 1.30-3.30pmJoin this experiential workshop to experience the life of a refugee and find out more ways we can be growing a heart for them. 2) Loving...

EXCEL Apprenticeship

Have you thought of going into full-time ministry? The EXCEL Apprenticeship is a 1-2 year full-time programme that aims to provide training & experience for those considering full-time ministry.  Contact Ps Dev or Ps...

Friendship Meal

14 & 15 June, 5.30-8.00pm Come and share a meal with friends & residents in the neighbourhood. 20 volunteer befrienders are needed each evening. More details can be found at  Please sign up latest...

Youth Fellowship (YF)

Every Saturday, 4.00-6.00pm, Chapel Calling for all youths (13–18 y/o) to join us on 11 June as we continue in our study in the book of Mark this year! Follow us on Instagram @zionbishanyf...

June #GetReal Sermon Series

What does it mean to truly be an intergenerational church? How can we be united in partnership for the Gospel mission across our generations as one Body? Join us in June to explore these...