
Faith at Home Series

Starts 11 Dec, 2.00-4.00pmFor 4 Saturdays, on Zoom Family Ministry (FaM) will be running our Faith at Home series for parents with children 0-6 years old. Series dates and sessions:11 Dec – Infant Baptism*18...

Who Knows?

4 Dec, Saturday, 4.00–6.00pm, Sanctuary Who Knows? is an evangelistic talk exploring: “Who has the right to tell us about life?” Our speaker, Ps Lincoln Mao (Bethesda Christian Centre) will explore the answer with...

Visionary Marriage

Starts 4 Dec, for 3 Saturdays9.00-12.00pm, on Zoom “Visionary Marriage” is a 5 video Bible Study seriesby Dr Rob and Amy Reinow from Visionary Family Ministries. Session 1: The Power of ForgivenessSession 2: God’s...

New Book “Solitude”

A new book by Pastor David Wong is out. Copies are available at Living Room Cafe. You may also order directly from publishers Graceworks at