
Catechism Class

Starts 4 Sep, 1.30-3.00pm, Saturday Email for the membership form. Table hosts still needed. Please contact Ps Dev if you are able to volunteer.

BPCIS: Mingle Over Zoom

22 Aug, 3.00-5.00pm, Sunday Here’s a shout out to all singles in BP churches! The Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore is organising its first-ever singles event in August. Come and make new friends with like-minded people. Registration info...

Friday Prayer Meeting

30 Jul, 8.00pm, Friday Come for our Special Missions Prayer Night (which happens on 5th Fridays in 2021).  Hear from representatives from Habibi Singapore on their medical and relief work among the refugees in...

“Go Urban” Workshop 2 & 3

Workshop 2: Professions in Missions20 Jul, 10.00am, Tuesday (PH) Invited speakers, Yeoh Seng Eng (Care Channels International) will share his tentmaking journey, Claire Chong (Singapore Centre for Global Mission) and Gary Lee (Zion Bishan)...