Prayer Points

Prayer Points 11 December 2022

Prayer Points 11 December 2022

Our Church LR Christmas Outreach (19 Dec) – We thank God for the opportunity and privilege to be a blessing to our neighbours through our annual Friendship Meal, this year with Sin Ming residents on the 19...

Prayer Points 4 December 2022

Prayer Points 4 December 2022

Our Church Zion Bishan Kindergarten – We praise God for the approval received from Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) for the change of class licence to Childcare Centre with effect from 1 January 2023. Please pray...

Prayer Points 27 November 2022

Prayer Points 27 November 2022

Our Church Christmas Sermon SeriesGod with us: People around the Birth Our Christmas Sermon series begins in this first of four Sundays that lead up to Christmas Day. As the sermons explore how people...

Prayer Points 20 November 2022

Prayer Points 20 November 2022

Our Church Enabling Ministry – In our ongoing ministry efforts thus far, we thank the Lord for our partnership with Koinonia Inclusion Network (KIN) and their guidance. Pray too that the Leadership Engagement Workshop...

Prayer Points 13 November 2022

Prayer Points 13 November 2022

Our Church Tuition Ministry – We thank God for His faithfulness in enabling and sustaining our ministry efforts this past academic year. As the tutors, students, parents and guardians gather for one last time this...

Prayer Points 6 November 2022

Prayer Points 6 November 2022

Our People Jackson Aw has been diagnosed with lung and liver cancer and is currently warded for treatment. Please uphold him in prayer that the side effects of the treatment will clear up and for...

Prayer Points 30 October 2022

Prayer Points 30 October 2022

Our People Pastor Ng Zhiwen – Pray for grace upon me that I may grow in faithful service alongside my fellow brothers and sisters – all maturing together for His glory. Pastor Paul Yeo – Pray for me to...

Prayer Points 23 October 2022

Prayer Points 23 October 2022

Our People KY – Today, we are thankful to have commissioned KY to her work with Habibi international. Praise God for KY’s heart to serve an unreached and internally displaced people (IDP) in West Asia...

Prayer Points 16 October 2022

Prayer Points 16 October 2022

Our Church Guest Worker Ministry – Uphold the team, led by Pastor Ebi Mohan, who will be reaching out to guest workers at the Terusan Recreation Centre this afternoon through badminton and conversations over chai...

Prayer Points 9 October 2022

Prayer Points 9 October 2022

Our Church New Registration System – We thank God for the team who worked tirelessly in creating an app for registration. The app will replace the system of scanning our ICs on Holy Communion Sundays, as...